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"I would suggest that people considering joining Tony Klinger's course should just go for it. You will learn a great deal from the master himself. It is worth every single penny."
- Sen Monro
Writing - Filmaking - Producing

Join one of our weekly Virtual Group sessions and become part of an exclusive online group.
Gain detailed insider knowledge about your chosen subject from a top industry veteran and learn all the important bits
they don’t mention in school.
Our sessions include:

Also Available
Our Online Virtual Retreat
Date to be announced, 8:30am to 2:30pm Pacific time
11.30am to 5.30pm Eastern time
4.30pm to 10.30pm UK time
Please note all times below are UK time
Virtual Retreat Schedule Sample
Level 1
4:30PM - 4:45PM
4:45PM - 5:45PM
5:50PM - 6:50PM
6:55PM - 7:55PM
8:00PM - 9:00PM
7:00PM - 8:00PM
8:00PM - 8:40PM
8:40PM - 9:30PM
9:30PM - 10:30PM
Introduction - Make a great first impression
Research and psychological tests prove you have around 10 seconds to make an impression, good or bad. Let’s make sure it’s great or your project will fail to raise finance. Consequently, you must be prepared, be on time, be sharp and be very well rehearsed.
Live feedback on two pitches.
Tony Klinger advises on why certain pitches work while others don’t, offering invaluable insights into the creative process.
Live feedback on a further two pitches.
Pitching sessions: Four writers will pitch their projects, receiving valuable insights into both the pitching process and how the industry will respond to their projects.
Live feedback on two more pitches.
Q&A: Your chance to ask and receive feedback on your presentations or on any other aspect of the creative industries.
Final words from Tony Klinger Coaching and an opportunity to say your goodbyes.
Remember to adjust for your own timezone
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